Released: 1984
IMDB Rating: 8.38/10
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is an animated film from Japan, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story of the animation is that in a very distant future, a large part of the world has been engulfed by forests with plants that are like poisonous mushrooms and emit a very toxic gas. The remaining humans live near these poisonous mushrooms and the giant insect-like monsters that inhabit these forests. One of the human governments is called the Valley of the Wind, which lives in peace and tranquility. They love their princess, Nausicaä, and her father, the king of this country. However, their peace is on the verge of destruction when they encounter the schemes of their neighboring country, a large and war-hungry nation. But Nausicaä has secret forces that may change the fate of this land...